Book Discussion Of Muhammadiyah Java

In order to commemorate the services of the founder Muhammadiyah, KH Ahmad Dahlan, digelarlah surgical event book "Muhammadiyah Java" by the Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilizaton (CDCC) in the Office of the CDCC Menteng, Jakarta.

This book can open insight readers by discussing the relationship of Muhammadiyah with Javanese culture. According to Executive Director of CDCC, Abdul Mu'ti, book "Muhammadiyah Java" by writer Ahmad Najib Burhani has an authentic reference sources, plus an interview with a trusted resource.

In the book "Muhammadiyah Java", featuring the distinctive character of Muhammadiyah as puritan movements and inclusive. This movement is different from the movements of Islamic purification which tend to be exclusive and skripturalistik. The Muhammadiyah and the devout practising Islam Tevye is also not being confrontational, even against a culture tend to be positive and accommodating towards the Javanese culture is not incompatible with Islam.

Abdul Mu'ti concludes that the book "Muhammadiyah Java" is a significant contribution in expanding the corpus of the study of history and the Islamic movement.
Photo Credit: mafiapolitik 
Publishing and printing
0Sep 3, 2010
